Sanam Akhoundzadeh
holds RYT200 (Registered Yoga Teacher 200 hour)
designation from Yoga Alliance

I am Sanam Akhoundzadeh, born in 27.01.1987, I have a bachelor’s degree in social worker.
Yoga is a miracle for me and with its exercises, I get to know myself better and deeper.
The biggest lesson I learned from Niloufar Yoga was that God loves me and always wants the best for me, just I should be aware and watch the love and be gratitude.
Every day I learn a new lesson with yoga. When class members are in German, English and Farsi languages, I realized that we all have a common language, and that language is love.
One of my hobbies is photography, I enjoy looking around me carefully and discovering and recording the beauties.
Sometimes I think I can be helpful by helping people who need help and applying the teachings in my life, so I work in that direction.